@article{oai:jichi-ir.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000044, author = {小島, 正幸 and 横山, 卓 and 横田, 真一郎 and 勝部, 乙大}, journal = {自治医科大学紀要, Jichi Medical University Journal}, month = {Mar}, note = {症例は79歳,女性。高血圧・糖尿病等で近医通院中。腹部膨満感,腹痛が出現し,当院受診。腹部レントゲン検査で,肝臓を圧排するように右横隔膜下に腸管気腫像を認め,腹部CT 検査では,肝臓を圧排し右横隔膜下から右側腹部にかけての回腸の腸管気腫像と腹腔内遊離ガス像を認めた。発熱なく腹部は圧痛を認めるのみで腹膜刺激症状はなく,血液検査上も炎症所見を認めなかった。内服薬を確認すると,α- グルコシダーゼ阻害薬(α-GI)を服用中であることが判明した。α-GI によるChilaiditi 症候群を呈した気腹症を伴う腸管気腫症(PCI)と診断した。α-GI を中止し絶食とし,補液と酸素投与を行った。6日目の腹部レントゲン検査では,腸管気腫症は消失していた。腹部CT 検査を再検すると小腸による肝臓の圧排は消失し肝臓は正常の位置にもどっていた。小腸型のChilaiditi 症候群を呈したα- グルコシダーゼ阻害薬による腸管気腫症の1例を経験したので,報告する。, We report a case of pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis( PCI) with abdominal free air and Chilaiditi syndrome. A 79-year-old woman who had been treated for more than five years with an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor( αGI)( acarbose) for diabetes mellitus presented to our hospital complaining of abdominal pain and a sense of distension since the previous night. Three days earlier, she complained to her family doctor of heartburn, and received a proton pump inhibitor. Physical examination revealed right-sided abdominal tenderness. Laboratory examinations indicated absence of inflammation.Abdominal X-ray revealed intestine immediately below the right diaphragm( Chilaiditi’s sign) and pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis( PCI). A subsequent abdominal CT depicted PCI in the wall of the small intestine, abdominal free air and displacement of the liver by the intestine. A diagnosis of PCI induced by αGI was made. Acarbose was discontinued and intravenous fluids and oxygen inhalation were initiated. The atient’s condition improved with this conservative therapy. PCI radiographic signs disappeared within six days. This is a rare case of PCI. The possibility of PCI should be considered in diabetic patients when αGI is administered.}, pages = {111--116}, title = {Chilaiditi 症候群を呈したα - グルコシダーゼ阻害薬による腸管気腫症の1例}, volume = {35}, year = {2013} }